Nuovi media crescono poco (Interactive Branding Blues)

 Grazie al solito, impagabile Steve Rubel , leggo con grande interesse di un nuovo report dei nostri vecchi amici di Forrester Research sull’utilizzo dei nuovi media interattivi da parte dei marketer. (qui un ampio articolo di Clickz).
Secondo quando riportato nello studio:
* 50 percent use or plan to use blogs or social networks
* 47 percent use or plan to use RSS
* 43 percent go or have gone mobile
* 28 percent are doing or plan on doing advergaming or in-game ads
Mi sembrano (riportate nella realtà nostrana) percentuali da sogno, ma si sa, gli americani sono sempre avanti ,e già lamentano che non è poi molto considerando l’attenzione apparentemente rivolta a questi nuovi canali interattivi.  
Indubbiamente i blog fanno ancora un po’ paura:
“Blogs and social networking, – suggested VanBoskirk (Forrester senior analyst), –  are often portrayed as potentially “disruptive” to companies. So, compared to other newer channels, marketers are more apt to use these media, in part because they feel they have to in order to counteract negative publicity from blogs or other consumer-generated media and social networking sites.”
Non resta comunque che sottoscrivere l’appello di Steve: “In the conversational economy, brands that are talked about positively are going to outperform those that aren’t. Marketers are going to have to shift from pushing messages out to guiding/facilitating peer-to-peer conversations. The way I see it, the 50% that are dabbling will have a considerable competitive advantage over those that don’t. Don’t blink. Go for it before your competitors gain share of mind and voice.”

Immagine di James Marsh

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