Vi segnalo un interessante post di Jeremy Wagstaff, giornalista che si occupa di tecnologia per il Wall Street Journal e per la BBC.
Jeremy si sofferma sull’utilizzo dei blog da parte delle agenzie di PR sotto vari punti di vista, per quanto concerne la raccolta di informazioni, il pitch, l’opportunità o meno di intervenire,etc etc. Le sue osservazioni e raccomandazioni sono davvero stimolanti.
Vi riporto direttamente alcune specifiche considerazioni:
Being a PR person pitching a blogger:
Pitches should never be made by phone without an email requesting a chat first. Phone calls are no longer as acceptable as they were; they are now as intrusive as a foot in the door.
PR people should find out if their mark has a blog, and if so, read it. For background, and to make sure the person is not on holiday or in the middle of a gender-change. It’s good to include some reference in the pitch to the fact that the blog has been read but there’s really no need to be smarmy. (“I’m a huge fan of your blog since before you started writing it and your post about how spammers are really annoying was just so spot on I had it tatooed in its entirety on my children’s foreheads.”)
A PR/journalist relationship can be as close as lips and teeth, but teeth can bite, and should. (The teeth is the journalist. Please keep up.) A journalist will always, if not today then at some point in the future, write something the PR person doesn’t like about their client, and the PR person needs to be ready for that. So should the journalist. The two can be best buddies, but I find that makes it harder to do one’s job, and be seen to be doing one’s job as a journalist al dente. So I keep my personal distance. That’s just me. I think it was the BBC’s John Simpson who quoted someone as saying that people should always feel a journalist at the table was a menacing presence. As a journalist you’re not there for the people you’re dining with, you’re there for your readers/viewers.
Technorati Tags : blogging, PR, journalism