La London School of Economics (LSE) ha pubblicato i risultati di un interessante studio sugli effetti della Word of Mouth sulle vendite. Mi sembra davvero valga la pena di dare un’occhiata a questi dati, e mi limito a sottolinearne alcuni al volo:
- Companies enjoying higher levels of word of mouth advocacy (higher net-promoter scores), such as HSBC, Asda, Honda and O2, grew faster than their competitors in the period 2003-04.
- Companies suffering from low levels of word of mouth advocacy and high levels of negative word of mouth, such as Lloyds-TSB, Sainsbury’s, Fiat and T-Mobile, grew slower than their competitors.
- A 7 per cent increase in word of mouth advocacy unlocks 1 per cent additional company growth.
- A 2 per cent reduction in negative word of mouth boosts sales growth by 1 per cent.
Technorati Tags : marketing, WOM
Immagine di James Marsh
molto interessante, bella segnalazione