Enterprise blog (Conversation Engine Blues)

E’ sempe interessante osservare come le grandi aziende approcciano il tema dei social media.

Un esempio stimolante ci viene proposto da FastLane blog il blog aperto nel Gennaio del 2005 da Bob Lutz, vicepresidente della General Motor.  

In una intervista rilasciata a Global Neighbourhoods poco dopo l’apertura, Lutz da’ un bel segnale a tutti quelli cha ancora sono alla finestra  a porsi domande:


What made you decide to blog?

Some of the staff had launched a blog in Fall 2004 and had success with it. I was looking for a direct line of communication with the world and this seemed to be a bright idea. As I said in my blog, “In the age of the internet anyone can be a journalist.” The feedback we’ve received from the public has been fabulous.

Was there a process involved at GM before you started blogging, or did you just start doing it?

No cumbersome process, no conventions, no big meetings, we just started it up.

What is your strategic goal in blogging?

Our only goal was to engage the public regarding our products and services. The blog has become an important unfiltered (emphasis onunfiltered) voice for the company, our customers and auto enthusiasts.

How do you manage the tons of comments you receive? How have they changed or improved your understanding of customers and prospects?

We do not manage the posts per se. Staff members usually send me an email every few days so I can review the feedback. Lots of great stuff in there. Fascinating and inspiring.


Mi è piaciuto molto quel “we just started it up”…. 

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3 risposte a Enterprise blog (Conversation Engine Blues)

  1. Anonymous scrive:

    Enrico, ma che fine hai fatto?

    Gian Maria


  2. Enrico Bianchessi scrive:

    Ciao Gian Maria, effettivamente l’ho un po’ trascurato… un po’ per lavoro un po’ per altri impegni personali.. sono colpevole, lo so, ma il blog non è morto è in leggero letargo… adesso torno, eh ?

  3. Anonymous scrive:

    ottimo Enrico!

    ps: ti comprendo “in toto”, pensa che da lunedì ho una sequenza impressionante di fiere tra Cannes, Lipsia, Hong Kong (2) …

    Gian Maria
