Sottopongo al vostro giudizio i risultati di una ricerca che scopro grazie a Joel Céré
La ricerca in questione è stata condotta da Euro RSCG Magnet e Columbia University.
Dato che fa caldo, non ce la faccio a tradurre, per cui vi propongo i risultati così come li ho letti:
51% of journalists use blogs regularly and 28% read them daily (compared to 11% of the US population reading blogs),
70% of journalists read blogs for their job, mostly for story ideas or researching,
33% read blogs to uncover scandals or breaking news.
The survey points to a trust crisis among journalists and between journalists and corporations:
49% of journalists have lost trust in corporations over the last year,
76% said that corporate candidness is poor in time of crisis and 66% said the same about transparency,
45% are less trusting of their colleagues’ professsional behaviours,
93% are less trusting of colleagues who are paid to act as spokespeople.
Ma il dato finale vale la pena di essere tradotto: solo l’1% ritiene che i blog siano credibili.
Per cui mi unisco a Joel Céré nel pormi la domanda (scabrosa per davvero): ma allora perchè li leggono e li usano per il loro lavoro ?
Buon weekend.