Credo sia interessante dare un’occhiata alle tecnologie emergenti, almeno secondo la venerabile opinione di Gartner, che ha recentemente pubblicato “2005 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies”.
Mi sembra utile sottolineare che Gartner ha suddiviso le tecnologie in tre grandi aree (Collaboration, Next Generation Architecture e Real World Web)
E indovinate che cosa ha indicato (tra le altre) Gartner nell’area della collaboration ?
Ecco un estratto dall’articolo dedicato all’argomento da Tekrati :
Really Simple Syndication (RSS). RSS is a simple data format that enables web sites to inform subscribers of new content and distribute content more efficiently by bypassing the browser via RSS reader software. RSS is widely used for syndicating weblog content but its corporate use is only starting to be tapped for activities such as corporate messaging. Its simplicity makes it easy to implement and add to established software systems. Gartner predicts that RSS will be most useful for content that is ‘nice to know’ rather than ‘need to know’.
Corporate Blogging. This involves the use of online personal journals by corporate employees, either individually or in a group, to further company goals. It reached the peak of hype in 2004 although mainstream firms have not yet got involved. Its impact will be on projecting corporate marketing messages primarily and secondarily in competitive intelligence, customer support and recruiting.
Wikis. A simple, text-based collaborative system for managing hyperlinked collections of web pages; it usually enables users to change pages or comments created by other users. Wikis are becoming available from commercial vendors, in addition to many open-sourced products, but not yet from established enterprise vendors. However, they are widely used as collaborative, distributed authoring systems for online communities, especially those using open-source projects. Gartner predicts that Wikis will impact ad hoc collaboration, group authoring, content management, web site management, innovation, project execution and research and development.
Se lo dice Gartner…..
Spero che questo “2005 Hype Cycle” non sia a pagamento
La ricerca costa, ovviamente, e per la precisione costa 495 dollari… ma il link per l’articolo di Tekrati te lo fornisco gratis ! Che vuoi di più ??
Enrico, tieni d’occhio il sito di Forrester, ho sentito che anche loro pubblicheranno una serie di ricerche sull’argomento