Questo articolo illustra alcune caratteristiche personali che ogni professionista delle PR dovrebbe teoricamente avere.
Ce n’è una in particolare che a volte rappresenta un obbiettivo veramente difficile, legato ai momenti più frustranti della professione:
“Thick-skinned: In PR, people will shoot down your ideas, ignore you and possibly even insult you. Plus, you’ll likely take a few missteps before you find the right path. That’s why it’s important for all PR professionals—especially potential hires—to have thick skin.
This treatment doesn’t just happen out in the field; some of the best PR professionals have their pitches turned down from time to time. The point is that it’s all part of the business. If you can’t pick yourself up, you’re probably not cut out for PR.
If you don’t believe me, check out some of these high-profile PR blunders to see just what can happen in the world of PR.”