Forza Steve !

Steve Rubel, l’autore di Micro Persuasion, una delle mie fonti predilette, ha scoperto di essere affetto da un tumore della pelle. Per fortuna pare si tratti di una forma assolutamente curabile che non causerà sconvolgimenti nel suo stile di vita.

Ma Steve ha immediatamene tratto da questa esperienza alcune riflessioni e conseguenze, che riporto qui di seguito:

“Each year some 800,000 Americans are diagnosed with this kind of skin cancer. Much of it is preventable if you take care to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays. Like many, I pooh-poohed the warnings. These included both regular words of caution from the media and those close to me. One of my favorite pastimes was sitting in front of a Starbucks, reading books or listening to podcasts and soaking up the sun. I neglected to wear sunscreen or a hat, even though I am follicly challenged. Now I am paying the price.

It’s clear from the statistics that many people still don’t take the risk of skin cancer seriously enough. Perhaps they need to hear more about it in a human voice – a blog voice. I recognize that I can help here (or at least try to). I have a blog with 5,000+ daily readers as well as a significant media profile. I am in a position to help in ways others can’t. I can do greater good. If one person starts wearing sunscreen regularly because of what they read here then I have done my job.

With this in mind, I am launching a new blog called The Skin Cancer Blog ( Here I plan to not only track my progress (which hopefully will go quickly), but more importantly provide links to helpful information and stories from others. I am sure once the site is up we will hear from many others who have experienced the same or worse. Once it’s live, I will blog it here and I would appreciate any link love that bloggers are willing to provide it. Please link on the words skin cancer so that it begins to get some Google Juice and ranks highly on the right searches. Beyond the occasional post, this blog will not deviate from its regularly scheduled programming and I plan to continue the same pace.

Thank you for listening and for your support. – Steve “

Credo che la reazione di Steve ad una esperienza scioccante come questa e il suo immediato e “naturale” desiderio di utilizzare il blog come strumento di condivisione dell’ esperienza e di informazione (sia per chi è affetto da tumori simili, sia sulla prevenzione), costutuisca uno spunto di riflessione davvero interessante e coinvolgente.

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